Born and raised in Moose Factory, ON and a member of Taykwa Tagamou Nation (New Post First Nation), Deputy Grand Chief Victor Linklater completed the Social Service Worker Program and is in the process of completing his Bachelor of Social Work program with Algoma University.

He is a former Deputy Chief with health and social services portfolios for Taykwa Tagamou Nation and elected Deputy Grand Chief of Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) in August 2021. 

Deputy Grand Chief Linklater is a lifelong learner as taught by knowledge keepers over the years and brings this consideration to everything he does.  He strongly believes knowledge is the greatest gift we can give to our youth and the next seven generations to come.

He previously spent time serving as Board Chair for Payukotayno Child and Family Services, a member of the NAN Chief’s Committee for Children, Youth, and Families, as well as member of the Chiefs of Ontario Restructuring Committee.  He has spent most of his lifetime helping and advocating for the betterment of people through various capacities.

His lifelong learning spirit has brought him to deeply understand government relations and communication, and these experiences will help facilitate transformative change of current political structures, Nation building, and achieve our dreams as sovereign Nations.

As a husband and father, community leader, and man of deep spiritual integrity, Deputy Grand Chief Linklater is a fierce advocate for our people.


  • Education
  • Environment, Energy & Climate Change
    (Nuclear Waste)
  • Mining/Resource Extraction Forestry
  • Economic Development Initiatives
  • Mental Health & Addictions
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