NAN Congratulates Missanabie Cree First Nation on Settlement of Historic Land Claim

Thunder Bay, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler, on behalf of the NAN Executive Council, congratulates Missanabie Cree First Nation for reaching a historic claim settlement with their federal Treaty partner for reserve land promised under Treaty No. 9:

“We join with the leadership and members of Missanabie Cree to celebrate this historic settlement to secure land they rightfully should have received more than 110 years ago. This agreement concludes the outstanding Treaty obligation of the federal Crown and helps right this historic wrong.

Congratulations to Chief Gauthier and Council, past leaders, Elders, youth and ancestors who have played important roles in achieving this settlement. Reclaiming their home after more than a century of effort with the federal government is a historic achievement that all members can be proud of.

It is a long journey for the people of Missanabie Cree, and we are pleased to see the Crown honour an outstanding Treaty obligation that will help to create new opportunities for this community.”

The settlement was announced yesterday by the community and Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett. It provides the community with approximately $150 million in financial compensation and the ability to add up to 3,200 acres to their reserve land base. This will allow for Missanabie Cree to develop infrastructure, education and economic opportunities, creating meaningful employment, proper housing and healthcare, and implement green energy strategies.

Missanabie Cree was promised reserve land for their people when they adhered to the Treaty in 1906, but did not receive a reserve land base until 2018.

Missanabie Cree First Nation is located in the Algoma District within the boundaries of Chapleau Game Preserve in northeastern Ontario.

For more information please contact:
Michael Heintzman,
Director of Communications
Cell: (807) 621-2790

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