NAN Mourns Sudden Passing of Long-serving MoCreebec Eeyoud Chief Allan Jolly
THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler, on behalf of the Executive Council, shares heartfelt condolences following the passing of long-serving MoCreebec Eeyoud Chief Allan Jolly:
“We are very saddened with the news this weekend that our beloved friend and colleague has begun his journey to the Spirit World. Our hearts are with the family of Chief Jolly, and the entire community of MoCreebec Eeyoud. May the Creator guide them and watch over them during this difficult time.
Chief Jolly’s sudden and tragic passing came as a shock to us all. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather who was deeply connected to the land. In addition to his leadership, he was also a teacher and mentor for younger generations, sharing traditional knowledge of his life experiences hunting, harvesting, and living in harmony with the gifts of the land.
As a visionary and compassionate leader, he was instrumental in community development to establish a home for his people. He worked for years to have MoCreebec Eeyoud officially recognized as a distinct Cree community with a new settlement for the Eeyouch of Eeyou Istchee.
A Survivor of the Residential School system, Chief Jolly was guided by a strong sense of faith. We honour his life and give thanks for the love and guidance he has shared with his family, community, and Nishnawbe Aski Nation. Please join us in keeping the Jolly family and the MoCreebec Eeyoud community in your prayers during the difficult days ahead.”
While not a signatory to Treaty No. 9, MoCreebec Eeyoud members have lived in the Moose Factory-Moosonee area for generations. They were not included by the Government of Canada in the Treaty-making process due to their ancestry from the province of Quebec. The Moose Factory Cree of Quebec formed an association in 1980, which they named MoCreebec.
Funeral arrangements have yet to be announced.
For more information please contact:
Michael Heintzman,
Director of Communications
Cell: (807) 621-2790